Package net.sourceforge.saxadapter.examples.commerce

Interface Summary
OrderConstants This interface holds all of the XCBL tag names of interest

Class Summary
DefaultPropHandler This handler saves the text between tags under the tag name in the map to be used by the other handlers
Order This class represents an Order
OrderAddress This class represents an Address
OrderAddressHandler This handler constructs an OrderAddress from the address elements
OrderContact This class represents an Order contact
OrderContactHandler This handler constructs an OrderContact List from the contact elements
OrderContactNumHandler This handler stores email refs and telephone refs under different keys in the Map
OrderHandler This handler creates the order from the constituent parts built up in the other handlers
OrderLineItem This class represents an Order Line Item
OrderLineItemHandler This handler constructs a List of line items from each line item tag
OrderPartNumHandler This handler constructs order part numbers from the order data
OrderParty This class represents a business party to an order such as a buyer or a seller
OrderPartyHandler This handler constructs a List of order parties from the party elements
OrderProcessor This class processes e-commerce orders in the XCBL 3.5 format and converts them into Order objects
OrderReference This class represents an Order reference number such as the Buyer order number
OrderReferenceHandler This handler constructs a List of references from the reference elements
XCBLResponseWriter This class creates an XCBL OrderResponse document from the corresponding Order document presented in the form of a SAX event stream